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Infection prevention & vaccination

Infection prevention & vaccination

In line with the national guidelines from the Dutch Healthcare Inspectorate, the Radboudumc has determined that all its employees, including those doing a trainee period or an internship, who are involved in dealing with material that may be infected with hepatitis B or hazardous activities are obliged to demonstrate a sufficient titre against hepatitis B. For you this means that for research internships in which human blood is used, a hepatitis B vaccination is obligatory. You are eligible for free vaccination. You can find more information on this and register for vaccination (collect a ‘vaccinatieregistratie’ form) at the StIP. For appointments and vaccination please contact the Arbo- en Milieudienst RU/ Radboudumc. As the hepatitis B vaccination takes a long time (over 7 months) to provide full protection, it is important to indicate that you need a vaccination as early as possible. Since 2009-2010, BMS bachelor’s students are plenary informed on infection prevention and they are offered Hepatitis B vaccination in groups. Vaccination is provided on a voluntarily basis.