Study Guidance
Study Guidance
- Most of the information can be found in the course guides. The guidelines, goals, assignments and requiring articles and books are provided before the beginning of the course in the course guides. The course guides can be found on the Brightspace site of each course.
Student advisors
- The student advisor is a key figure when it comes to study guidance and is the person to go to for all your study-related questions or problems. They will help with questions, such as, the content of the programme, exams, the Teaching and Examination Regulations, optional courses or other study-related questions. You may also consult them if you have any (personal) problems that may have an impact on your studies. If necessary, they can refer you to the campus psychologists or the study fund. Appointments can be scheduled in the consulting hours. If you are not a student at the RU and you would like to make an appointment, please go to the secretary to make an appointment. For RU students an appointment can be made online.
Academic guidance
- The Student Affairs Office has a number of counsellors at the central administrative level. These include student psychologists, who can help you with personal problems of a psychological nature, and study advisors. The Student Affairs Office also provides a number of study skills courses throughout the year. Information about all these services can be found on the RU website (Information for students | Radboud University ( under "Student support".
- Information regarding changes to the programme and the programme itself can be found on the Brightspace sites for each course. Make sure you check brightspace regularly for the latest notifications regarding important announcements, information sessions, events and curriculum information.