More information on the coaching programme, including guidelines and timeschedule, can be found in the Program coaching and professional development (pdf, 178 kB)
In the BMS coaching programme, the 7 specialisation coordinators (SCs) take responsibility for the content and coaching of students within each specialisation. Students in the free specialisation can choose the SC who is most suited to guide them during the master (taking into account the topics he/she wants to include).
The SC provides support and guidance to enable the student to carry out his/her learning process within the specified timeframe. In addition to coaching the students, the SC represents and evaluates the specialisation and monitors/promotes the coherence, depth and structure of the specialisation.
The SC will monitor progress of the student with respect to his/her specific learning goals, ambitions, interests and results in the educational components and give feedback. The SC can advise the student regarding his/her choices for courses, electives and internships. The SC stimulates the student to reflect on his/her learning process and to improve him/herself. In particular, the SC will act as mediator should conflicts arise during any phase of the program. Individual issues can be discussed and confidentiality will be maintained if requested by the student.
The coaching programme requires commitment from BMS students. Active participation in the compulsory parts of the coaching programme is a compulsory part of the master's program for students who started the master in the academic year 2020-2021 or later. Of course students who began before 2020-2021 can also still benefit from the updated coaching programme.
During the master’s programme, there will be five compulsory individual meetings with the SC; more meetings are possible if requested by the student. Although the content of the meetings will depend on the student's needs, several subjects need to be discussed in these meetings. Students will need to prepare for each individual meeting by writing a Master & Career (MCP). The MCP needs to be handed in in Brightspace before the meeting with your specialisation coordinator who will grade it with sufficient/insufficient. In this MCP two major topics will be described each time:
- Designing your own master programme
- Preparing your professional Profile
For more information on the coaching programme and the mandatory components, please check the document ‘Program coaching and professional developtment’ (link at the top of this page). In the Brightspace course of the Master of Biomedical Sciences (course ‘2021 Master Biomedical Sciences’ for students who started in 2020-2021 and course ‘2122 Master Biomedical Sciences’ for students who started in 2021-2022) you can find additional information about the coaching programme including an assessment regulations and a format to create an overview of your study plans. This format is an optional aid to create an overview which you can discuss with you Specialisation Coordinator. You can add completed and planned activities (courses, internships, literature thesis). This form is not
Coaching and professional development: aims
- To provide support and guidance by enabling students to carry out their learning process within the specified timeframe and help them in designing their individual master’s programme
- To guide students in their professional development and academic skills
- To make students aware of their unique selling points and how to communicate these to others
Differences between the specialisation coordinator and profile coordinator
In addition to a specialisation, a student will structure his/her master by choosing one of the three career profiles: consultancy, communication and research. The specialisation coordinators will also act as the research profile coordinator. Students who choose the communication or consultancy profile will interact with a specialisation coordinator (for their specialisation and the master in general) AND with the profile coordinator (for the part of the master which is related to the profile).